Power Washing Pros

Are you a homeowner who is thinking about replacing your roof or know of someone who is, please make sure the roof needs replaced? I provide roof & siding power washing.

50% of Roofs are replaced  due to the way they look! This is not because of functionality .Half of the roofs replaced in the northwest did not need replacing, only cleaned.Just as mold,mildew,lichen and etc can grow on your siding.So can algae,lichen,moss and etc can grow on your roof.Replacing your roof because of this is out of the question.Due to the fact that replacing a roof is extremely expensive while a roof cleaning and treatment can solve the problem and costs less.Only in extreme situation, for example lets say moss has damage the roof, then you would consider other options.Replacing your roof is like replacing your siding instead of having it cleaned; it just doesn't make sense.Some contractor's that are ethical and morally inclined will tell you how to solve this problem; while others will tell you the opposite that it cant be cleaned without damaging the shingles.In either case they may tell you that the roof needs replaced.This is not true if your shingles are in still good shape.And moss has not penetrated the 1-inch plywood under the shingles.As roof's age the plywood underneath becomes brittle.Even so a brittle roof needs to be cleaned even more;so in order to extend the life that is left in it.

Below is some information to digest of growth that might be damaging your roof.

MOSS: Is a green grassy growth that is found on the crevices of the ground or bedding of the soil.Also found on roofs here in the northwest.Moss finds & embeds itself into the roofing tabs and edges of the roofing material.Eventually into the material itself.Over the time I have seen many property owners take on the task of scraping the moss of the roofs and treating it with soap.This is not good, moss left on the roof or sterilized for that fact can give foothold for the next generation to grow and spread.With moss visible already on the roof, it should be time to think about getting that roof checked and washed.

Not sure if your roof needs replaced or cleaned? Here are some signs of an aged roof:

1) Brittle or crumbling shingles

2) excessive amounts of shingle granules in gutter

3) Bottom corners of shingles curled up

4) Wavy,warped shingles

5) Very thin or loose shingles

6) Asphalt shows through shingles

(excessive amounts of granules coming of asphalt shingles is not good for reasons it lessens longevity of roof) 

Eugene Oregon Power Washing

334 E St  Springfield,Oregon 97477

county:Lane County

Make an appointment with me! Just by calling us now at:  541-286-5451

If you are still unsure about the status of your roof, I will be glad to evaluate it for you. I will not clean shingles that need replaced, because cleaning the roof will not solve the problem if the shingles are aged.On the other hand if you call a roofing contractor you may not get the whole truth & may be persuaded into replacing a roof that needs cleaning.One last thing and I repeat myself if your shingles are still in good shape but have moss and etc.Having your roof cleansed will allow you to get the full life out of your shingle;saving you thousands of dollars:) 

You can make an appointment with me for a FREE Estimate at any time . Just call us now at 541-286-5451